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Don’t look for Motivation

“Time is short, my strength is limited, the office is a horror, the apartment is noisy, and if a pleasant, straightforward life is not possible then one must try to wriggle through by subtle maneuvers.”  ….Franz Kafka

We all get motivated….here and now...

Everyday the Newspaper is full of stories that inspire us such as….
Both sons of a tea-seller from Jalandhar who cracked the IIT-JEE exams…
The lorry driver who passed the Indian Administrative Service exams…
The paper boy from Bangalore who passed the Common Admission Test to get into the IIM…
The daughter of a Mumbai auto driver who topped the ICAI exam….
The gas station attendant who went on to build the biggest refinery in the World…

And so on…

The world is not short of  Motivational stories and inspirational figures…the problem lies in converting them to change our own lives…When we read or come across these inspirational stories , we get moved …our jaws drop…we are astounded….and then….Voila !!! …. Nothing changes in our own self!  The external inspirations wear out very soon…we think they don’t apply to us as our situation is different….and soon we are back to sulking at our situation…until of course we hear the next inspirational story …..

I have been now through this “external motivation” stuff countless times now…So I tried to figure out how to make inspiration stick ! That is when  I came across James Clear . James Clear states that People who have accomplished things in life , do not wait for inspiration to hit them daily….They just “turn up” everyday ….

What does turning-up every day mean?
It means to have  daily ritual(s) to ACT ….
to act …motivated or not….
to act…whether the day is warm or cold….
to act irrespective of whether the schedule for the day ahead is light or hard….

As Mason Currey  explains in her book, Daily Rituals , many of the world’s celebrated artists be it Franz Kafka, Maya Angelou, Pablo Picasso were no different from us…..they simply figured out ways to overcome the daily obstacles …through simple habits ranging from waking early to staying late …to have specified nap time….to have specific creative or practice time…To reiterate, they never waited for inspiration ….they simply turned up day after day…

So, dear Readers, the question before us is this … “are we committed enough to indulge in a Daily ritual?”  The answer to that single question holds the key to whether we will make ever make it to the newspaper headline !


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