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Crawl ! Walk ! Run!

“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. ” …Alvin Toffler

We all knew it even as a toddler …but most of us forgot that art as we became an adult…I am talking about the Learning skill.

Do you remember how you learned to ride the bicycle ? Mom or Dad holding on to the seat, while running behind , with your frame being perched on the saddle stiff as steel !… the bicycle moving diagonally across the road and you about to topple over! ….After a series of attempts over the next few days on the cycle, with patience wearing out and skinned knees, you get enough skill and flexibility to ride the bicycle alone with Mom or Dad anxiously watching from a distance (they are still required to warn/shoo away other riders who might cross your path !) .  slowly, the confidence and skill begins to develop ; soon you are riding the bicycle... with body balance coming off naturally and slowly ,riding itself becomes a natural skill….

Alas ! we grew up and we began to attain the “maturity” tag we slowly lose the art of learning…due to a variety of reasons…
first and foremost being…”I know-it-all”
As adults we gain mastery over specific area/domain in personal or professional life…the problem though is we extrapolate our expertise to thousand other areas, which is not true!

The second reason for losing the learning skill is the Know-Do gap. Many adults are good enough to know their learning. But they do not have enough willpower to Start!

The third reason for the lack of learning skill is the quest for perfection. As toddlers and kids, if we had worried about what others think about our skill or the lack of it, we would not have stood up or learn to ride the bicycle. As adults, we are constantly worried about perfection so much that , we often take a feeble attempt, get embarrassed by the first few outputs …get demotivated ..and never attempt again at all!

So you may ask…How do we deal with this? ..It is easy…just remember how you learnt as a Child…

1)      Identify a book, training course or a Tutor for your learning
2)      Start small : Say you want to learn to draw…you cannot start on day 1 to replicate Monalisa…learn to get the strokes right…straight lines…curves…circles…rectangle…etc…
3)      Slowly Increment  : Day after day , slowly increment the complexity of the learning activity…this may be frustrating..remember your cycle riding experience…after repeated attempts on the seat and your Dad huffing and puffing behind you, there was no sight of getting the body balance…It will happen with your new skill too…the key point is to slowly increment the complexity & to be persistent!
4)      Have daily triggers : Key to learning a new skill is to practice daily…so the best option is to create the time and space in your schedule…I use the early morning time to create the time for new skill right after my coffee  which is my daily trigger!
5)      Don’t worry about perfection:  Life is imperfect !  we are imperfect ! Do not worry about being perfect in your learning phase….remember, Practice is more important than perfection!

If you stick to the above routine, then you will be soon amazed at yourself…

Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible…Francis of Assisi


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