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So, What is the reason today?

                I used to have a patchy exercise routine.Too often, I will be a regular in the morning  exercise continuously over a week. And then what follows will be a lull of week or two.And then it starts all over. As is the case always, I went into analysis of why this issue is recurrent.
                The primary reason, of course, I was never a fitness zealot. I would have never passed out of school if Physical exercise wa a mandatory course. But I guess, at least 90% of us would fall in that category of not being passionate about Physical routine. The second but a more important reason was the Day itself. What I mean by that is, whether I would go for an exercise for the day depended on what laid ahead during the day. So, If the day was light, in terms of professional or personal commitments,like a weekend, I would invariably opt for the Physical exercise. If the day was heavy(in my perception), I would often blame on the climate outside or the lack of time and would skip the exercise routine. This reason as I found out to me was the killer of my exercise routine. I did not have an answer to this for a long time.
                And then I read the article by Steven Covey on “Important vs Urgent” matrix  ( . The basis of this concept is,when it comes to tasks,we need to choose the Important over the Urgent. I applied this specific concept as a motivation tool for my daily exercise routine. So when I wake up and kind of faced with a heavy day ahead, I just pose this question to myself…”Do the issue(s) of the day ahead  would really matter to me when I look back in say 5 years?” (Urgent…but not Important)…Mostly not…On the other hand, the jogging routine today or the lack of it would definitely impact my health outlook in 5 years (may be Not Urgent today,but definitely Important on the long term).
                So, these days, I don’t blame the climate outside or the lack of time. I just go out and start running .So, even if it is as short as 5 minutes, the racing heart pulse and the emotional feel of the artery cleansing carries my day. And when I skip the exercise routine, the lack of the exercise makes me feel so bad that I am up and running the next day!!!


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