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My Favorite Book

“Surely you’re Joking  Mr. Feynman” is a semi-autobiographical book by the American Physicist Richard P.Feynman. Dick Feynman,as he is known ,was passionate about  Physics  and was widely popular for the “Feynman Lecture Series”  . Ok…while this is the introduction of Feynman,the scientist, the book ““Surely you’re Joking  Mr. Feynman” is certainly about the whacky side of the Physicist . Feynman describes his real life adventures ranging from his child hood experiments in his lab to his experiences in Brazil where he learnt to play the Samba music!!!
Following is the one such adventure that we could least expect from any Nobel Prize winning physicist…Back in the the 1940’s when “The Bomb” was being developed in Los Alamos, every person involved in  the Secret Project were given a Safe so that the documents are protected. Feynman decided to prove the Military, which was doling out the safes, to be wrong. He found how the safe worked by ripping apart his own safe!!! And he started understanding the patterns behind the code that people use depending on who they are. The result was: If Feynman would want any document, he would walk into the person’s room when they are not there…Crack open the Safe and walk away with the document !!!
In another instance, Feynman was in Brazil on a year long assignment at the Center of Physical Research. In Brazil, after  his day’s  work was over at the University ,Feynman would change over to a clothing that you cannot associate a professor with and would sneak out of the hotel to join the Samba music playing band. Feynman played “frigidiera”…a type of drum played with metal stick as part of the band.This was in preparation for the Carnaval where the different band of Rio would walk on the streets  playing the band.All of his fellow band players never knew that the “Americano” player (Feynman) was a atomic physicist until the day of the carnaval,when the band walked past the University where Feynman worked!!!.
The above two incidents are just the sample of  what the book is all about. Feynman talks much more in this entertaining book about his escapades in Las Vegas, his Biology lecture at the Harvard & of course about his true love, Physics.


Prasanna Joshi said…
That book is an awesome read. Have u read its sequel of sorts (What do YOU care what other people think, Mr. Feynman). May not be as entertaining as "Surely...", but a great supplement to the great physicist's documentation of curious experiments.
Prasanna Joshi said…
That book is an awesome read. Have u read its sequel of sorts (What do YOU care what other people think, Mr. Feynman). May not be as entertaining as "Surely...", but a great supplement to the great physicist's documentation of curious experiments.

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