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Expert Speaks: Veganism for Health

My note: This is a guest post by Amith Seshagiri on the benefits of Veganism.I admire Amith not only because he wrote this post for my blog but also because he is a person who knows truly well about what he speaks.He also walks the walk while talking the talk...

There are no known sources of cholesterol in plant foods. Those that do, have a small, almost negligible amount of it (eg: Coconut). Coconut is one of the richest sources of Lauric Acid (another rich source is Human Breast Milk). It is a commonly held belief that Cashews have cholesterol. This is a false premise as cashews are naturally cholesterol free. Incidentally, both cashews and coconuts are loaded with Antioxidants, Minerals and other micro nutrients. Both increase HDL and decrease LDL (you want that).
Another common qualm is that Vegans do not get enough Protein. The truth is that protein is found in many different foods. Some vegan sources which have all 9 Essential Amino Acids are Quinoa, Soy, Mushrooms and the simple combination of Rice and Beans (or Lentils) and Vegetables. Besides, your body can break down proteins into the constituent Amino Acids and thus, if one eats a variety of foods from plant sources, deficiencies are almost impossible.
What about B-12, you ask? Yes, Vitamin B-12 is an essential micro nutrient. Our bodies need it in very small quantities. Deficiency usually affects several tissues, including Blood and the Nervous System. You will be surprised to know that there are no reliable sources of Vitamin B-12 that are Vegetarian. There are Non-Vegetarian sources, including Liver or liver extracts of various creatures. These need to be avoided because Liver tissue usually has a higher concentration of Parasites, Heavy Metals and other toxins, apart from having come from a being who could feel pain and was robbed of his or her body.
How does a vegan get their B-12? By eating fortified foods or taking supplements. It is generally a good idea for most people who do not eat fruit and vegetables regularly (at least 2-3 portions each, every day) to supplement vitamins in their diet. A good multi vitamin will contain several times the RDA of vitamin B-12 and even if discontinued for a period, the liver usually stores some for such periods.
People who ate more fruit and vegetables consistently had a lesser chance of complications relating to heart disease, cancers and other ailments. Being vegan reduces and may help reverse climate change, indirectly showering health benefits. How? Intensive animal agriculture is the number one cause of Global Climate Change.
There are much simpler questions to ask: Why do you drink Milk? Are you a baby? And best still, are you aware that the Dairy Industry sets lax limits for contaminants (pus, pesticides and hormones) contained in the milk supplied to you? These limits are regularly exceeded. Most advertising from the dairy lobby concentrates on the purity and goodness of milk. Those statements are valid if you are a young calf. Cow's milk is designed to do one thing: turn young calves into adult Cattle in a very short span.
Many Ultra Marathon Runners (~100 mile races), Sprinters, Triathletes and other athletes thrive on Vegan diets. This is because a properly planned Vegan diet is the most powerful one out there. If you wanted to experience it, here's all you have to do: simply exclude all animal products from your diet (as a Dietary Vegan). It won't cost you extra because at least in India, Vegan food is plentiful and cheap. If you are already VEGetariAN, you are already eating healthier than most people, except if you indulge in fatty dairy excessively. Cut it out completely and see immediate improvements in your overall health. Like I said, it doesn't cost you anything but a little bit of your will. To help you plan your diet, please consult a Vegan Food Pyramid available for free through an Internet search.


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