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The Use of a Pause

"Why is it I always get my best ideas while shaving?" - Albert Einstein

In the modern era, Life is moving on a fast forward fast that the movie of life becomes  unintelligible. As my favourite blogger Leo Babauta discusses in his post (,We all need to hit the pause button...

In contrary to our Intuition I found out that a Pause works very well in different aspects of  life.

Communication: While I was a part of the Toastmasters Club,I picked up the good habit of pausing while speaking. Many people tend to use one or more of crutch words( Ex., Ah, hmm,so on, ) which become filler words as our mind is thinking what to speak next. A better solution would be to pause, think what to say next & continue.

Problem solving : Pause works very well when we are stuck with a complex problem for which a solution seems elusive and you seem to hit the wall. My suggestion would be to take a break and focus on some other activity and let your subconscious mind to work on it. I strongly believe Archimedes was supposed to have discovered the famous buoyancy principle while taking a shower because of the Pause effect!!!. Edward de Bono ,Lateral Thiniking guru calls this as the Creative Pause... defined as the time interval which begins when the thinker interrupts conscious preoccupation with an unsolved problem, and ends when the solution to the problem unexpectedly appears in consciousness.

Habits: Pausing to think first and act later is the effective most effective antidote to resisting the bad habits. The urge to spend on a Gadget that you may not really need , Urge to gulp one more drink, Urge to react provocatively...would all vanish if you simply count 1 to 10 between the Urge & the time you respond. This is Pause at work

So Take a Pause by taking a deep breath / counting from 1 to 10 / Taking a shower/ Taking a break from the current activity for a stroll to the park...or just start shaving like Einstein!!!. ..Who knows you may end up getting a solution for world peace!!!


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