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A Travelogue

These days I commute a lot, rather should I say, travel a lot to reach my office from home. My experience with Bangalore Traffic has given me enough insight to publish a doctoral thesis titled “ A Treatise on the Bangalore Traffic & its relevance to Science,Spirituality”.
Following are the axioms of my thesis:
“ Mind Like Water” :
Bangalore traffic attains the state of “flow’’  by behaving like Water. It permeates every available space. While the Traffic rule states that “You should Drive on the left”, people drive in whatever is left even the pedestrian path…That’s the state of flow
“Butterfly Effect”:
According to Chaos Theory, a  small change at one place in a system  results in large differences to a later state. This is very true of Bangalore Traffic. A small drizzle in Corporation Circle causes a traffic jam at the Raja Rajeshwari Nagar located 13 km west of it. If you try to connect the dots, you cannot which is the quintessential Chaos Theory
“Law of Conservation of Time”:
Time taken to commute is the same irrespective of mode of transport. You can drive in car, cycle, bike , superbike, walk or run…but they are rendered immaterial by Bangalore Traffic. Time taken between two points is fixed ...FULL STOP
 “Survival of the Fittest ”
Be aware of the anarchy (sorry hierarchy) on the roads. Darwin’s theory of “Survival of Fittest” is applicable. BMTC(Public transport buses of Bangalore) are at the top of the pyramid. Even God cannot touch them. This is followed by Trucks, Call Center Cabs, Cars, Bikes,Cycles & Pedestrian in that Order. The hierarchy not only provides the “Right of way” but also the “Right of scolding”
“Uncertainty Principle”
According to the famous “Uncertainty principle” in Physics, there is a fundamental limit on the accuracy with which position and momentum, can be simultaneously known. Given the chaos  effect, you cannot determine the time(I,e, velocity) to reach a destination even if you are stone’s throw from it. So stay away from predictions of reaching a place at a particular time unless you have reached it yet.


Ramsu said…
I can practically visualize you giving a TM speech on this :)

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