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What are my Priorities in my Life?
If the analogy of my life can be compared to a pyramid that is a symbol of stability following is the order starting from the base of the pyramid

1) Family & Friends
2) Physical Health
3) Mental Health
4) Wealth creation
5) Career
Family & Friends : They are the foundations of my life. This is what I come to realize of late. They are the ones whom you should take care & support at all times. Without them I think my life comes to a naught.
Action items that needed:
A) Call up the family members . Make a time-table of people you need to be in touch. I should throw out the past baggage and start with a new relationship.Irrespective of ypour or their prejudice towards you, be in touch . Establish contact with the newer family. For ex: Vasumathi’s relatives.
B) Network with the Friends : This item helps you be in building network. Actively Use the online forums to stay in touch. Get in touch with the School & college alumini and with previous company colleagues.

Physical Health : This should be the basic building block for me as individual who has to take care of the family.Even though I know the importance I have been procrastinating it for so long.
Action items that are needed:
A) Yearly health check up for you & family: Do it by end of September. Check if all the health parameters are right or take corrective action. Just do it.No more excuses.Use office healthcare facility.
B) Physical exercise : This needs to be a top priority for me & vasumathi. Walking for atleast half-an-hour daily is a must. Goal is to maintain correct BMI & health parameters.Start Today
Mental Health: This is as equally important as the physical health if not more. Because the more you are mentally sound the lesser will be the impact on the body. I could literally feel this when the office stress really pumps the heart beat. That’s not a good sign.I need to be at peace with myself.
Action items needed:
A) Take up meditation: Sign up for a course or learn from te internet the art of meditation.
B) Read good books: Pursue the reading habit that will keep you energized.
C) Pursue an hobby: Take up the toastmaster. Pursue it as an hobby . It will reduce the tension no matter how big it is.
D) If some thought distracts you so much take a pen & paper dump all the thoughts that you can do about it and rest in peace
E) Spend weekends on activities that you feel passionate – refer the aim of my life
Wealth creation :”we spend the first part of our life losing health to gain wealth. We spend the second part of our life losing wealth to retain the health.” Wealth creation should be an ongoing exercise that helps you keep afloat during good & bad times. Read the website to gain valuable tips on wealth creation. I think I am already on this path. I need to do it better, but not at the cost of Family or Health.i need to come up with well defined set of wealth goals.

Career: For me Career is a means and not an end in itself. I do want to grow in the job and do not want to stagnate. But its sucking a lot of energy. The deliverables, customer issues & layoffs etc., are the de-motivating factors. It also takes a lot of my time over a week. I should do something about this as otherwise my pyramid will get unstable due to the weight of this.Lot of action needed here to make the pyramid stable
Action items:
A) Identify 80:20 items ; 20 % of items that will result in 80% of impact
B) Plan for the week in advance – On non-meeting days start at 6 pm.Don’t work on weekends
C) Plan well. Communicate well to avoid firefighting situations
D) Use all the options available at office such as flexi-time, Work from home etc.,
E) Start thinking about a side business. When passion meets profession you are bound to succeed .


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