Friday, July 19, 2024

Choose a Mentor!

Choose a Mentor!

Use them as a ruler to straighten your crookedness!


Pg.14 : Letters from a Stoic

I have written about this before ; 

But its worth re-writing 

Seneca is masterful today as he  says:

Choose a master whose life, conversation and

Soul-expressing face have satisfied you! 

Picture him/her always to yourself as your 

Protector or your pattern; 

For we must indeed have someone

To regulate our characters;

You can never straighten that which is crooked

Unless you use a ruler”

For me I am thinking who are my gurus 

About Whom when I think 

They are straightening my daily crookedness!

Here is my list:

  • Seneca : Stoicism
  • Henry David Thoreau - Simplicity
  • Eknath Eswaran - HappinessRichard Feynman - Thinking
  • K Balakumar - Comedy

On this guru purnima day I salute them

In gratitude!!!

Who are yours? Are you remembering them today?

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