“The history of our species is the history of humans longing for control of their fortunes in the absence of knowledge and critical thought and other humans exploiting the longing”
As Stoicism first principle says :
Know what is in your control and what is not in your control
Fortune is not in your control. Full stop.
As Epictetus says
“We are all playing the game of dice”.
And we are handed with the cards -
Height, weight, Talent, Birth, Family - all cards God handed me!
So what can I do to make the best of it?
That is in my control!
What is in my control?
Courage, Contemplation, Content, Character!
My note:
Let me focus on these 4Cs - Courage, Contemplation, Content, Character!
And As I do so - I shall not need to moan and groan and blame and lament
Both in my mind and in my words!