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Tuesdays with Morrie - Lessons for Life

 Lessons from the book Tuesdays with Morrie …by Mitch Albom

This is a book based on real-life happening, where the retired professor Morrie (Morrie Schwarz) on his deathbed teaches his former student , the author, Mitch Albom . 

subject : “Meaning of Life” .

 the class timing:   once a week on Tuesdays after breakfast , 

Location: by  a window in the professor’s house.

No assessments

 A funeral was held in lieu of graduation .

Here are the lessons I noted from book

Pg.43 : Lesson 1 : How to find purpose and meaning?

So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep even when doing busy things they think are important. This is because they are chasing the wrong things.

The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to lovingothers, devote yourself to community around you and devote yourself to  creating something that gives you meaning and purpose.

Pg.43 :Lesson 2:  Don’t fool yourself with self-importance

(The author who was a celebrated sports columnist , loses his job  suddenly)

I had gone used to thinking how readers somehow needed my column. I was stunned how easily things went on without me.

Pg.46: Lesson 3 : What is the most important thing in life?

Contrary to popular view, Money is not the most important thing .Most important thing is to be “fully human”  - give out love and let it come-in!

Pg.64 : Lesson 4 : the key question : “What if today were my last day on earth?”

Do what the Buddhists do – Everyday have a bird on your shoulder that asks –

‘IS it today that day? Am I ready?

Am I doing what I need to?

Am I being the person I want to be?’

Learn how to die and you learn how to live!

Pg.91 : Lesson 5 : Family

If it isn’t the Family, there is no foundation , no secure ground upon which people may stand today

Pg.118 : Lesson 6: Problem of Youth and Value of Aging!

Problem of Youth : They have little understanding of Life . When people are manipulating you , telling you to buy perfume and you’ll be beautiful or this pair of jeans – and you’ll be (handsome) – and you believe them! Its such nonsense!

Value of Ageing :As you age, you learn. Aging is growth. And as you understand you’re going to die , you live a better life!

Pg.119 : Lesson 7: How to deal envy?

“I envy (younger , healthy) people who go to gym, swim or can dance.

Envy comes to me, I feel it and then let it go

Tell yourself- ‘That’s envy. I am going to separate from it now’

And walk away!

Pg.124: Lesson 8: More is not good;

“There is a big confusion in this country on want vs need.

You need food; you want chocolate sundae;

You need to go  from Point A to Point B; you don’t need the latest sports car;

You need a home; you don’t need the biggest!

These people are so hingry for love that they were acceting substitutes. They were embracing material things and expecting – sort of hug back – but it never works .

You cant substitute material things for love or for gentleness  or for tenderness or for a sense of comradeship!

Pg.126 : Lesson 9: Offering others what you have to give

I don’t mean money, Mitch. I mean your time. Your concern. Your storytelling. Say you know computers – you come and teach elderly people computers. You are very welcome there and they are very grateful.

Pg.134 : Lesson 10 : On my tombstone



This Ted Turner guy, Morrie said, he couldn’t think of anything else for his tombstone?

I decided what I want on my tombstone – ‘A Teacher to the Last’

Pg. 136 : Lesson 11: Why are people not attentive?

Part of the problem, Mitch , is that , everyone is in a hurry,Morrie said.

People have not found meaning in life.

So they’re running all the time looking for it.

They think the next car, nect house, next job .

They find those things are empty too and they keep running.

The truth is I don’t have to be in that much of hurry with my car.

I would rather put energies into people

(where am I putting my Energies – next car, next job or next house)  - or on people?

Pg.141 : Lesson 12: Biggest lesson : Giving is Living

What we take we must replenish. Taking never makes you feel alive. – new car, new suit, new flat-screen TV ! it’s a temporary thrill that wears off with the warranty!

Rather give – your time for others!

 Pg.148 : Lesson 13 :  On Love and marriage:

If you

-          Don’t respect the other person, you are going to have a lot of trouble

-          Don’t know how to compromise, --ditto----

-          Cant talk openly what goes on between you, you are going to have lot of trouble

-          Don’t have a commons set of values . ----ditto—

Pg.175: Lesson  14: We are all a part of the Whole!

Why are you looking so grim and sad? The wave behind asked the wave ahead

The ahead wave replied : “ we are all going to crash soon. All of us waves are going to be nothing!

The behind wave replied : “ No you don’t understand. You’re not a wave . you are part of the ocean”




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