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It Takes time!

I have been having miscued sense of progress and achievement so much that i feel that i have arrived only when i got the results - be it position, best-seller, BMI of 25!

I am focused on outcomes ; outcomes and outcomes and i often fail to see the process; 

In calculus , I was taught the standard function y= f(x)

Y is the outcome;Effect;  amateurs focus on this , too much; 

X : is the drivers : Cause(s);  Great performers identify and focus on Drivers;

Now there is another parameter : dx/dt : ie., progress with time on the drivers; rate of change; Genius performers focus on it; 

Take example of body weight loss : 

weight loss = function (diet, exercise) ; Low-carb diet => Calorie intake low ; Exercise means Calorie output high! and naturally weight loss occurs! the weight loss score will take care of itself!

But what do amateurs do ? a little exercise and little dieting and they keep checking weight : 

they purse out the lips and claim nothing changes

On the other hand , Great performers , focus on drivers  : diet and exercise

genius performers: focus on tracking the improvement in diet and exercise day after day; They keep improving on their diet and exercise regimens!

No prizes for guessing,  who will get the results; 

not certainly the ones who focused on outcomes only!

Everything takes time : BMI , best-seller, Scaling Himalayan peaks;

I need to focus on the drivers of the outcomes and create habits that improve the drivers with time;

Plutarch tell story of a rich ship-owner ,who was asked , how he built his fortune: " The greater part came quite easily; but the first smaller part, took time and effort" ; This is the classic Compounding effect that Einstein calls out as the 8th wonder of the World!

"Don't stop doing something , just because its going to take time; Time shall pass anyway" 

I need to Start today - where ever I am ; However I am  ; Set the goalpost but Focus on the Drivers! 

A man swimming in the lake, who keeps his head-up looking at the other shore shall never reach the shore!


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