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Act without Rationale!

“Plans are only good intentions unless they immediately degenerate into hard work.”   Peter Drucker

I came to believe the left brain-right brain theory during my innumerous attempt at the ritual of waking-up early in the morning.
The most difficult thing in the world is to wake-up early in the morning…as the alarm rings waking up from our deep sleep, I become an Hollywood actor with a multitude of emotions  ranging from anger, irritation, sulking ...and what not !  Just after snoozing the alarm, there is an emotional argument going on in my mind…one portion (right brain…I guess)  says to wake up and chase the dreams…the rational part says…never mind…even if you may doze off a bit, you can still catch up your dream…on some days my left brain even dumbs me down rationalizing that “you ain’t going to accomplish anything in life…at least sleep a little more”
In the Know-Do gap (hyperlink) , earlier I used to (make)-believe that lack of doing is due to Perfectionism (Oh boy ! what an amazing reasoning to cover-up the shortcoming ) . Of late I found the real reason of the Know-Do gap solely due to LAZINESS ( intentionally italicized, bold and underlined). So the same rationalism that help us make aware of the right things to do, prevents us from doing them as seen in the above waking up example…so you may ask what would you expect me to do? …stop being rational !....YES…I repeat If you want to act on a thought stop being rational!
Let us see a few examples of Doing…
Act of waking up…As soon as the alarm blares in your ears, just wake up and rush to the restroom and switch on the light…This may sound whimsical…but as I said Doing is all about being non-rational
Act of Exercising…Just tie the shoelace and hit the Road. Don’t check if it is Sunshine, Rain  or Snow …this may sound paranoid…..Doing is all about being choosing your own path
Act of Meditation…In the melee of your office work ,Just close your eyes and follow your breathe for 2 minutes…If your boss taps your shoulder , ask him/her to sit beside you and teach them a new technique on how to breathe down other’s neck  through meditation
Act of Time Management…Among the hundreds of To-DO tasks, pick the Hardest one and give yourself a minimum of 10 minutes to work on it. Your rational mind will fool you to pick 99 other easy tasks just to give a narcissistic pleasure of ticking them off the checklist….
 Knowing is good…Doing is better.
Knowing is Passive…Doing is Active.
Knowing is Left brained…Doing is Right brained.
Knowing is rational….Doing is paranoid.

And better know that Only the Paranoid Survive and Thrive...and so Act paranoid !


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