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Book Review :"How Mindful are you?"

Life is denied by lack of attention, whether it be to cleaning windows or trying to write a masterpiece…" Nadia Boulanger

“How Mindful are you?” by Gill Hasson

I recently came across this interesting book . As the title suggests the book is very relevant to this World…Here is a very brief test for you from the book to check how mindful you are…

·         Often, I experience an emotion – guilt, jealousy, resentment – but I’m not aware until sometime later.
·         When I’m doing routine things such as supermarket shopping, waiting for a bus, washing up or making dinner I’m usually thinking of something else.
·         I often find it difficult to motivate myself or summon up enough willpower to do what I told myself I would.
·         I tend to walk quickly to get where I’m going and don’t notice my surroundings as I pass by.
·         I’m not usually aware of how physically tense I am at times.
·         I often feel that I’m just spinning from one situation to another. “Stop the world I want to get off” is a feeling I have.
·         I’m often thinking about what else needs doing next week or what I failed to do yesterday.
·         My mind is usually chattering with commentary or judgement about events or other people.
·         I do jobs or tasks automatically, without being aware of what I’m doing.
·         I sometimes find myself listening to someone with one ear and doing something else at the same time.
·         I drive places on “automatic pilot” and just focus on getting there.
·         I sometimes wish time away – impatient for a future event to occur.
·         I sometimes find myself going back over past hurts. I find it difficult to forgive.
·         I often interrupt or am thinking about something else when someone is talking to me.
·         Quite often, I feel bogged down with routine.
·         My work is either boring or stressful.
·         I rarely find a hobby, sport or pastime that absorbs me and that I enjoy fully.
·         I sometimes feel detached and disconnected from other people. It makes me unhappy.
·         I often feel guilty. If I screw up I give myself a hard time. I keep going back over what I should or shouldn’t have done.
·         I lack confidence and self-esteem.

The more you answer “yes” to these statements the more you can benefit from being Mindful…


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