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Bangalore Book Fair -2011

My date with the Bangalore Book fair continued for the 6th consective year . I was first introduced to it by my dear friend Arul Srinivasan (currently in San Diego,California). Till then, I was a very reluctant reader confining myself to the newspaper & the news magazines. And then I read the book “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari” by Robin  Sharma. It was an enlightening book due to the fact that it energized me every time I happened to read the book. I realized  the power of Books & Reading . It also prompted me to write while being part of the Toastmasters Club.

A person committed to learn would need both Self-realization and Implementation. Books provide the mirror to your self. Implementation is altogether a different topic in which I am a certified slacker. Nevertheless I love books simply to gauge myself. Following are books in my library that I would recommend for anyone :
1)      The monk who sold his Ferrari – Robin Sharma
2)      The Professional – Subrato Bagchi
3)      The 80/20 Way – Richard Koch
4)      Five Point Someone – Chetan Bhagat
5)      The Toyota Way – Jeffrey K. Liker

This list does not include the Tamil Books that I also follow. My favorite author is one “Sujatha” (Rangarajan).  A versatile writer whose repertoire  spans from spiritualism to science fiction. My humble aim is to publish a book one day. Time only will tell if the aim is humble enough given my writing skills.

Bangalore Book Fair is being held at the Palace Grounds,Bangalore.Turn off the Idiot Box next week end and instead spend time in the book fair. It will surely be worth the money.


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