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Unlock Your Real Personality

Personality is that magnetic & mysterious something that everyone can easily recognize but difficult to define. It is a whole combination of physical, mental traits ,tendencies &temperament. Everyone among us carry a personality of his own. An Individuality determined by the Inheritance and the environment in which he / she grew up.
During my schooling, my teacher used to reward the student who used to be the most quiet one in the class. Being a shy & introvert myself, It was not difficult for me to get those rewards year after year. However, as I entered a career, it was quickly made known that there are no rewards for being silent. I had to speakup or be left unheard.
Now there are people who are at the other end of the spectrum- Those who have very little inhibition. You can easily identify them because they talk at a decibel level that can be heard around radius of 5 cubicles.
A creative self-fulfilling personality is a course between too much inhibition and too little. Just as a bicycle chain that can neither be too tight or too loose for a comfortable ride.
Participating in a Toastmasters Session ( help you irrespective of type of your personality .If you are tongue-tied, you have a platform to practice speaking before an audience. If you are tongue loose , you also have a role to play- the role of a listener which may be as Evaluator, Grammarian or the “Ah” Counter. So, Practice the are of communication with in the 4 walls of the Toastmasters club regularly and apply the skills learnt you learnt in your everyday personal & professional life.


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